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My Life In The Old Army: The Reminiscences Of A... |WORK|

These reminiscences were written from memory in such leisure momentsas the author could spare from a busy life, and published in the Swedishlanguage nearly a year ago. They were intended solely for Swedishreaders in the mother country and America, but since their publicationin that language it has been urged by many that they ought to be madeaccessible to English readers also. And this, principally, in order thatthe children of the old Swedish emigrants, who are more familiar withthe English than the Swedish language, may have an opportunity to learnsomething of the early struggles of their fathers in this country.

My life in the old Army: the reminiscences of A...


Davenport, Timothy Woodbridge, 1826-1911 Finding aidAx 242Papers, 1860-1912.2 boxesDavenport was born in Chatham, NY, and attended Willoughby Medical College (later Sterling Medical College) in Columbus, OH. He taught school in Ohio and Illinois, and for a short time practiced allopathic medicine. The Davenport family left Ohio for Oregon in 1850, but turned back, wintered in Newark, Missouri, and continued the journey to Oregon in 1851. Davenport was a farmer and surveyor, state representative, state senator, and special Indian agent at the Umatilla Agency in the 1860s. The papers contain correspondence, manuscripts, scrapbooks, and miscellaneous papers. A manuscript of Davenport's reminiscences, written in 1971 and 1883, describe his early life, schooling, and journey to Oregon.

Lloyd, William W., 1866-1957 Finding aidSFM 133Reminiscences.1 folder.Lloyd was born in Adair County, Missouri, in 1866, and traveled overland with his family to Idaho and Oregon in 1876. He became a farmer, stock-raiser, and the first mayor of Halfway, Oregon. The reminiscences tell of his trip to Idaho in 1876, and of his life in Pine Valley, Oregon. 041b061a72


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