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Powder Diffraction File Database Free Download

Powder Diffraction File Database Free Download

Powder diffraction is a technique that uses X-rays, neutrons, or electrons to probe the structure and properties of crystalline materials. Powder diffraction can provide information on the phase composition, crystal structure, lattice parameters, preferred orientation, microstructure, and stress of a sample. Powder diffraction data are usually represented by a series of peaks in a plot of intensity versus scattering angle or d-spacing.

Powder diffraction data can be used for various purposes, such as identification of unknown phases, determination of crystal structures, refinement of structural parameters, quantitative phase analysis, and characterization of texture and strain. To perform these tasks, one needs to compare the experimental data with reference data from known materials. These reference data are collected and compiled in powder diffraction file (PDF) databases, which contain information on the peak positions, intensities, and other attributes of thousands of crystalline phases.

powder diffraction file database free download

PDF databases are essential tools for powder diffraction analysis and research. However, some PDF databases are not freely accessible or require a subscription fee to download or use. This may limit the availability and accessibility of powder diffraction data for some users, especially those from developing countries or academic institutions with limited resources. Therefore, it is desirable to have free and open PDF databases that can be downloaded and used by anyone without any restrictions.

Free and Open PDF Databases

Fortunately, there are some free and open PDF databases that can be downloaded and used for powder diffraction analysis. These databases are maintained by various organizations or individuals who contribute to the advancement of crystallography and powder diffraction. Some of these databases are:

  • Crystallography Open Database (COD): This is an open-access collection of crystal structures of organic, inorganic, metal-organic compounds and minerals, excluding biopolymers. The COD contains over 500,000 entries as of March 2023. The COD data can be downloaded in CIF format or as a compiled search-match database for various software packages. The COD also provides web services for structure search, validation, and deposition.

  • Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD): This is a comprehensive database of inorganic crystal structures, containing over 200,000 entries as of 2020. The ICSD data can be accessed online through a web interface or downloaded as a CIF file or a search-match database. The ICSD also provides tools for structure search, visualization, and analysis. The ICSD is maintained by FIZ Karlsruhe and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

  • Powder Diffraction File (PDF): This is a database of powder diffraction patterns for over 300,000 materials, including metals, alloys, ceramics, minerals, polymers, and organic compounds. The PDF data can be accessed online through a web interface or downloaded as a PDF file or a search-match database. The PDF also provides tools for pattern simulation, phase identification, and quantitative analysis. The PDF is maintained by the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD).


Powder diffraction is a powerful technique for studying the structure and properties of crystalline materials. To perform powder diffraction analysis, one needs to compare the experimental data with reference data from PDF databases. However, some PDF databases are not freely accessible or require a subscription fee to download or use. Therefore, it is useful to have free and open PDF databases that can be downloaded and used by anyone without any restrictions. Some examples of free and open PDF databases are the COD, the ICSD, and the PDF.

If you are interested in learning more about powder diffraction or using free and open PDF databases for your research or education purposes, you can visit the websites of the respective databases or consult the references below.


  • [Crystallography Open Database]

  • [Inorganic Crystal Structure Database]

  • [Powder Diffraction File]


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